“David Sutton came by and introduced the game to my most difficult student that HATES math. It was hard to pull her away from it, especially cuz she was racking up $$ points. This is A+ work and I applaud and commend Mr. Sutton for his efforts and persistence.”
Math Tutor Phil McLellan
Math Invaders © 2019
Math Invaders is an arcade game designed to reinforce basic math skills. Gameplay is represented in the general style of arcade video games from the 1980‘s, but without replicating the gameplay of any particular classic game. In the game players will be presented with a math problem that they must solve.The player will use their arrow keys or arcade joystick to select the space ship with the number corresponding to the correct answer and fire a laser beam at their target. If their answer is correct the spaceship will explode.
The game is designed to be playable as a windows application or as part of a stand alone arcade cabinet. Players may choose from four different modes of play: addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. Each mode of play has different difficulty levels to choose from.The game will keep track of the player’s score.The Math Invaders game will help students master basic math skills through exciting gameplay.

Howard Stark Peoplemover
This video is entirely a fan production and should not be confused with anything in development from Walt Disney Imagineering. These storyboards were developed in 2011 with the intention of submitting the design for the ImagiNations competition. Due to a change in the contest rules this was not submitted, but this video was filmed to be shared here. This was a team project made by David Sutton and Peng Cheng.

Robotag Preshow Video
This preshow video was made for an EE491 class project developing a game of laser tag using robots. Guests begin in Tesla's laboratory in the 1940's where an old television displays this video before the game.
Survivorman vs Wild: Build a Power Supply
In this episode of Survivorman vs Wild Dave Sutton will show you how to build a working power supply in the wild out of basic electronic components. Originally developed as a creative presentation video for EE 375.